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Pre-Kindergarten Student Handbook


Washington Primary Pre-Kindergarten 

2024-2025 Parent Handbook 


Monday through Friday 

8:30-11:30 A.M. (Morning Session) 
12:30-3:30 P.M. (Afternoon Session) 


Washington Primary Building 
803 East National Hwy. 
Washington, Indiana 47501 

Washington Community Schools 

Mr. Kevin Frank, Superintendent 
Mr. Steve Peterson, Assistant Superintendent
Mrs. Kristen Murphy, Principal, Washington Primary
Mrs. Brenda Meredith, Dean of Students
Mrs. Mary Padgett, Preschool Teacher 
Mrs. Holly Reinking, Secretary
Mrs. Alex Isza, Secretary



Preschool Handbook 

Table of Contents 

  • Welcome Washington Primary PreK Families
  • Program Overview
  • Philosophy and Goals
  • Preschool Hours
  • Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
  • Attendance Policies
  • OMW Attendance Percentage and Policy
  • Payment and Attendance Acknowledgment
  • Tuition Policy
  • Washington Community School Payment Policy
  • Payment Schedule
  • Parent Agreement Form
  • Illness Policies
  • Health Records and Immunizations
  • Head Lice Policy
  • Reasons for Absence from School
  • Returning to School After Illness
  • Daily Activities
  • Nutritious Snacks
  • Parental Involvement
  • School Visit Procedures
  • Parent-Teacher Conferences
  • Open House
  • Lost and Found
  • Visitors
  • Safety Policy
  • Emergency Closing of School
  • Safety Drills
  • Transportation
  • Discipline
  • Special Education
  • Non-Discrimination Policy


Welcome Washington Primary Pre-K Families! 

Dear Families, 

We are so happy that you have chosen Washington Primary PreK for your child! Welcome to a new school year. We look forward to working with you and your child and anticipate a wonderful year of learning and growing. 

You are important to us! We welcome any questions you may have. Please feel free to drop us a note, give us a call or make an appointment to come in to discuss your child’s academic and social growth. 

This preschool handbook is created to communicate our policies, procedures and goals for the upcoming school year. We hope you find it a helpful reference for many of the basic questions you may have. Please take some time to review the information and keep it for future reference. 

Family relationships are very important to us. Please feel free to speak with your child’s Preschool Teacher with questions regarding the information contained in this handbook. 

Program Overview 

Our program is available to potty trained students living within the Washington Community School District and children or grandchildren of staff currently serving Washington Community Schools who will be attending kindergarten at Washington Primary School. Students must be 4 years of age by August 1.


Philosophy and Goals 

At Washington Primary PreK, we believe in allowing children to learn and grow through developmentally appropriate activities. This includes unstructured, hands-on play as well as more structured group activities that promote academic content. Indiana’s Early Learning Foundations provide the framework for our activities. Social-emotional learning is guided by observing children’s interactions, and behavioral issues are addressed by teaching self-regulation. Our goal is to collaborate with parents to prepare all of our students for a successful kindergarten experience.


Preschool Hours 

There are 2 half-day sessions offered Monday through Friday: 

Morning Session: 8:30 AM-11:30 AM 

Afternoon Session 12:30 PM-3:30 PM  



Morning Session

  • Arrival: Doors open at 8:20 AM. Please walk your child to the double-entry gym doors where school personnel will supervise students.
  • Dismissal: Doors open at 11:20 AM. Parents/guardians should enter through the main entrance to sign out their child.

Afternoon Session

  • Arrival: Doors open at 12:20 PM. Please walk your child to the main entrance front doors where school personnel will supervise students.

  • Dismissal: Doors open at 3:20 PM. Parents/guardians should enter through the gym doors to sign out their child.

Please do not arrive early enough to interfere with bus or car traffic for the Kindergarten and First Grade students.



Good attendance is essential for a positive attitude toward school and academic achievement. Please ensure your child:

  • Gets enough rest

  • Has a good breakfast/lunch

  • Wears comfortable, close-toed shoes suitable for running

If your child is absent, parents must call the school or send a note explaining the reason for the absence upon return.

Children absent from the program for 10 days or more may be removed from the roster at the principal’s discretion and replaced with a child on the waiting list. Children tardy for class for 3 days or more may also be removed at the principal’s discretion and replaced with a child on the waiting list.

Parents who are late to pick up their child three or more times risk having their child removed from the roster and replaced with a child on the waiting list.

On My Way Attendance Policy

Parents understand and agree that the child will attend the On My Way Pre-K program at least 85% of the time.

Payment and Attendance Acknowledgment

Refer to Washington Community School Preschool Payment Policy (within).



Tuition Policy 

Fees and Payments

The fee for our preschool program is $155 per week. Families are expected to maintain a “good standing” status with payments to remain in the program. Refer to Washington Community School Preschool Payment Policy.

Voucher Program

Washington Primary Preschool participates in the "On My Way" federal voucher program, which provides financial assistance based on family size, income, and other factors. Families who qualify:

  • Full Voucher: Covers the entire $155/week fee.

  • Partial Voucher: Covers a portion of the fee, with families paying the difference.


Families not qualifying for the voucher are eligible to receive a Washington Community School preschool grant scholarship worth $80/week, reducing their fee to $75/week. Eligibility requires completing the "On My Way PreK" application.


If your child needs to withdraw from preschool, please provide advance notice to help prepare your child for the transition and offer the spot to a child on our waitlist.



Washington Community School Preschool Payment Policy

All payments are due prior to care. Bills will be generated via Skyward by the 15th of the month prior. Payments are due by the 1st of the month. For example, August payment is due by August 1st. The amounts billed will be based on the number of school days in the month. Full monthly tuition is $31 per day. Depending on the level of assistance that each family receives, they will either owe $15 per day or $5 per day unless full tuition support is acquired. Payments are to be made to Washington Community Schools by any of the following methods:

  • Online payment via eFunds

  • Check made payable to Washington Community Schools

  • Cash


Families who have not paid the full tuition by the 15th of the month will no longer have a spot for their student in the WCS Preschool program. Consecutive late payments (payments made after the 1st of the month) could also result in removal from the program dependent upon the waitlist.


Families will owe for 180 days of instruction regardless of whether their student attends every day. Scheduled eLearning district days will have homework for the students to do while school is not in session.

Payment Schedule

All payments are due prior to care. Bills will be generated via Skyward by the 15th of the month prior. Payments are due by the 1st of the month. For example, August payment is due by August 1st. The amounts billed will be based on the number of school days in the month. Full monthly tuition is $31 per day. If assistance is acquired depending on the level each family receives, they will either owe $15 per day or $5 per day unless full tuition support is acquired.


No Application Completed for OMW PreK

$31 a day

Applied for OMW PreK- DNQ but received scholarship

Applied for OMW PreK receiving Limited Eligibility

Applied for OMW PreK receiving Full Eligibility

21 days





20 days





17 days





18 days





15 days





19 days





18 days





16 days





20 days





16 days







ON MY WAY PREK Parent Agreement Form

As a parent or guardian of a child enrolled in an approved On My Way PreK provider, please remember the commitments and benefits associated with the PreK grant program. The overall goal of this program is to provide high-quality preschool education to your child.

As a recipient of this program, I understand that my family will receive the following benefits: in program fees paid directly to my chosen PreK provider.

  • PreK education for my child at an approved high-quality On My Way PreK provider.

  • A kindergarten readiness assessment once in the spring of the PreK year

  • Participation in Family Involvement & Engagement Activities provided by my selected PreK provider.

As a result of receiving these benefits, the parent/guardian agrees to the following:

  • My child will attend the program at least 85% of the days PreK is offered.

  • My child will attend an On My Way Pre-K program for the full duration of the program year.

  • I will allow my child to participate in the external evaluation conducted by researchers and the kindergarten readiness assessments conducted by classroom teachers measuring both developmental and academic progress.

  • I will participate in family engagement and involvement activities offered by my selected PreK program including meetings with my child’s teacher to discuss my child’s progress.

  • I plan to enroll my child in kindergarten next year.

  • I will read to my child each week.

As a parent/guardian my previous signature attests that I understand the following:

  • On My Way PreK is an academic program and my child’s attendance is important to his/her school readiness success.

  • My participation in my child’s education, including participation in the On My Way PreK program, is an important part of my child’s school success.

  • My failure to complete the requirements for participation may result in the termination of my child’s voucher.

  • My child must attend the PreK program located at the approved program address and for the full duration of the program listed on the Provider Information Form submitted for my child.

  • Providing incorrect or misleading information on any of the forms required by the On My Way PreK grant program, including but not limited to application documentation and attendance records, may result in immediate termination of my child’s grant, repayment of any fees overpaid on behalf of my child and criminal charges if applicable.


Illness Policies

If your child is ill, please keep them at home. Children with flu-like symptoms, vomiting, or a temperature of 100 degrees or higher will not be kept at school. If a child becomes ill or injured at school, parents will be contacted according to the Emergency Authorization Form on file and asked to pick up their child.

Health Records and Immunizations 

We are required to have on file an up-to-date health record/medical statement signed by your physician and a list of immunization dates for each child within the first 30 days of enrollment and updated annually. The State of Indiana’s School Entry Immunization requirements for preschool-aged children are:

  • 3 Hepatitis B

  • 1 Varicella (Chickenpox)

  • 4 DTaP (Diphtheria, Tetanus & Pertussis)

  • 1 MMR (Measles, Mumps & Rubella)

  • 3 Polio

  • 2 Hepatitis A

Recommended: Annual influenza vaccine

Head Lice Policy

Responsibility of the School Nurse The WCS registered nurse will communicate with and act as consultants for staff, family, and students. The nurse will provide instruction and support to the family.

Responsibility of the School

  • Any student suspected of having head lice may be examined.

  • Any sibling or close contact with the student may also be examined.

  • Confidentiality will be maintained.

  • Students with living lice will be sent home, and caregivers will be instructed on treatment.

Upon returning to school after treatment, the student will be examined by the school nurse or designee.


Reasons for Absence from School

Following the guidelines of the Daviess County Health Department, children should stay home from school if they have:

  • Contagious disease

  • Temperature over 100 degrees (may return after 24 hours fever-free without fever-reducing medicine)

  • Impetigo

  • Pediculosis (Lice)

  • Conjunctivitis (Pink eye)

  • Tinea (Ringworm)

Other reasons may include recuperating from surgery or other medical procedures rendering the student immobile or bedfast.

Returning to School 

A child is ready to return to preschool under the following conditions: 

  • child’s temperature has been normal for 24 hours without a fever reducing medication 

  • child is free from any contagious skin rash 

  • child has not vomited or had a bout of diarrhea for a 24 hour period 

Please notify the school if your child is absent with a communicable disease. Parents will be notified if their child has been exposed to chickenpox. In case of severe emergency, the following steps will be taken: 

  • Provide immediate necessary first aid 

  • Contact 911 

  • Contact parents 

  • Follow procedure indicated on child’s emergency form 



Daily Activities 

Our daily activities are designed around seasonal and thematic units developed from Indiana’s Early Learning Development Framework and the Big Day for PreK curriculum from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Activities include art, music, cooking, snacks, stories, social, and guided play.

Sample Schedule:

  1. Arrival

  2. Individual choice activities

  3. Large group instruction

  4. Small group instruction/small motor instruction

  5. Snacks

  6. Gross motor instruction

  7. Dismissal


Nutritious Snacks 

A nutritious snack and drink are served mid-morning/mid-afternoon. Birthday snacks (store-bought only) may be sent in on your child’s special day. Please notify your child’s teacher in advance if bringing special treats. Children may also bring a labeled water bottle for use during snack time and outside activities as needed.


Parental Involvement 

To ensure your child's growth and development, we aim to maintain consistency, cooperation, and communication between home and school. Here are ways your family can be involved in the educational process:

  • Daily Communication: Connect with your child's teacher through written notes, emails, voicemails, or phone calls before or after school.

  • Backpack Check: Check your child's backpack daily for their folder, empty it, and return the folder in the backpack to school.

  • Goal Setting: Help maintain achievable goals for your child.

  • Parenting Resources: Access parenting flyers and information about parenting groups and community resources.

  • Progress Reports: Receive monthly progress reports.

  • Parent Conferences: Schedule conferences with teachers to discuss your child's progress.

School Visit Procedures

To ensure safety and compliance with school board policies:

  • Registration: Register at the school office when entering the building for purposes other than checking in/out your student.

  • Parent-Teacher Conferences: Schedule conferences with your child's teacher before or after school hours.

  • Classroom Observations: To observe your child in the preschool setting, obtain security clearance from the school office. Parents must remain in designated areas during observations to avoid disruptions and maintain confidentiality. If an observation becomes a distraction, you may be asked to leave the classroom.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Parent-teacher conferences provide an opportunity to discuss your child's academic and social-emotional progress. These can be initiated by either party as needed and are scheduled in the fall and spring. Parents will be informed of the scheduled times.


Open House 

Join us for the annual Open House to visit your child's classroom and participate in school activities.


Lost and Found 

Students should check the classroom lost and found area for any missing items. Items not claimed are given to charitable organizations at the end of the school year. Money, jewelry and other personal items are turned in at the office. 


We welcome and encourage parent involvement. For safety:

  • Sign-In: Visitors must sign in at the office and wear a name tag. Unidentified visitors will be asked to report to the office.

  • Appointments: To prevent classroom interruptions, call ahead to schedule an appointment with staff.

Volunteer Requirements: Volunteers must have security clearance on file and complete training through Washington Primary School.

Safety Policy

Visitors are not permitted to carry weapons on school property.

Emergency Closing of School

Late openings, early closings, or cancellations will be announced through our automated calling service and local radio stations. Please avoid calling the school for this information to keep lines open for instructions from school officials. Two-hour delays will cancel morning preschool sessions. For emergency childcare assistance, contact 1-800-299-1627.

Safety Drills

Washington Primary will conduct various safety drills throughout the school year. Teachers will provide instructions on how to proceed during these drills.


Parents are responsible for transporting their child to and from school:

  • Morning Session: Arrival between 8:20 and 8:30; pick up between 11:20 and 11:30.

  • Afternoon Session: Arrival between 12:20 and 12:30; pick up between 3:20 and 3:30.

Please follow the designated entrances and parking instructions for drop-off and pick-up. Notify the classroom teacher and office if you need to pick up your child early.


Student safety is a priority. Keep your child beside you at all times and drive defensively, being mindful of pedestrians and other vehicles on school property.


We aim to help children develop self-control and responsibility through positive guidance:

  1. Preventative Discipline: Providing choices, ensuring health and safety, setting clear limits, and allowing problem-solving opportunities.

  2. Classroom Conflicts: Reinforcing positive behavior, pointing out consequences, and redirecting activities.

  3. Behavior Management: Reminding children of rules, acknowledging feelings, and assisting in returning to group activities when appropriate. In cases of extreme behavior, a reduced schedule or removal from the program may be necessary.

Extreme Behavior: In cases of extreme behavior, a reduced schedule or removal from the program may be necessary. If a student's behavior becomes unmanageable and poses a risk to themselves or others, sending the student home for the day will be considered. This step is taken to ensure the safety and well-being of all students and staff, and to provide an opportunity for the student to calm down in a more controlled environment.  

Special Education

Parents will discuss a child's special needs during the registration process and instruct/present documentation to teacher/administration as to their child’s special needs.  Children will not begin class until required documentation and doctor’s care plans are provided to the teacher.  Children will not begin class until required staff is trained on special needs. 

Non-Discrimination Policy

Washington Community Schools, the Board of School Trustees does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including transgender status, sexual orientation and gender identity), disability, age, religion, military status, ancestry, or genetic information which are classes protected by Federal and/or State law (collectively, "Protected Classes") occurring in the Corporation's educational opportunities, programs, and/or activities, or, if initially occurring off Corporation grounds or outside the Corporation's educational opportunities, programs, and activities, affecting the Corporation environment. 

The Board also does not discriminate on the basis of Protected Classes in its employment policies and practices as they relate to students, and does not tolerate harassment of any kind. 

Equal educational opportunities shall be available to all students, without regard to the Protected Classes, age (unless age is a factor necessary to the normal operation or the achievement of any legitimate objective of the program/activity), place of residence within the boundaries of the Corporation, or social or economic background, to learn through the curriculum offered in this Corporation. Educational programs shall be designed to meet the varying needs of all students.