Transportation for Pre-Kindergarten
Parents are responsible for transporting their child to and from school.
Arrival time for the morning session is between 8:20 and 8:30 with pick up between 11:20 and 11:30. Please utilize the Highland entrance and park in the gym parking lot for morning arrival. Bring your child to the main double-entry glass gym doors where you will find school personnel waiting to receive your child. Dismissal will be at the Main Entrance using Abel Street entrance. Please come to the front door where you will find school personnel waiting to assist you with the dismissal procedure.
Arrival time for the afternoon session is between 12:20 and 12:30 with pick up between 3:20 and 3:30. Please utilize the Abel Street entrance and bring your student to the Main Entrance where you will find school personnel waiting to assist you with the arrival procedure. Dismissal will utilize the Highland entrance. Please park in the gym parking lot and come to the double-entry gym doors where you will find school personnel waiting to assist you in the dismissal procedure.
If you must pick up your child early from school during either of these sessions, you must park in the front entrance parking lot and request entry through the main office. Please make sure to notify your classroom teacher and the office beforehand, if at all possible, so that personal belongings can be collected and sent home with your child.
Student safety is a priority at all times. Please make sure to keep your child beside you at all times. Be an extremely “defensive driver” by always being mindful of pedestrians and other vehicles while on school property.
Morning Arrival/After-School Dismissal Procedures - Car Riders
Morning Arrival 7:30 - 8:10
Parents should arrive at school using the Highland entrance (Please note that the main entrance is closed at this point for construction). Abel Street is being utilized for teacher parking and parents/guardians dropping students off late or have business in the office. Parents dropping off students should enter via the E. Highland Ave. entrance, follow the single lane to the parking lot, and turn left into the lot. Following the perimeter of the parking lot, pull up to the 1st of 6 designated spots in front of the gym.Students should exit their car onto the sidewalk if at all possible to avoid other cars that may be leaving the drop-off area. Upon leaving the drop-off area, cars should proceed up the school driveway toward the 11th Street entrance/exit. Please do not block the entrance into the gym parking lot for those families still needing to proceed with the drop-off procedure. For students that arrive after the 8:10 tardy bell, they should use the Main Entrance off of East National Highway, park in the main parking lot, and escort their child to the Main Entrance doors.
Parents who park in the front parking lot and do not have business in the office will be asked to get back in their car and follow the car rider procedures to drop off their student.
Parents are not allowed to pull up to the front entrance for drop off or pick up from 7:00-3:30. This is a Bus Lane only. All cars must park in the parking lot.
Dismissal Procedures 2:45
This will be the same process as the Morning Arrival. Parents picking up students should enter via the E. Highland Ave. entrance, follow the single lane to the parking lot, and turn left into the lot. Following the perimeter of the parking lot, pull up to the 1st of 6 designated spots in front of the gym. . Cars should follow the established procedure until arriving at the gym area sidewalk where teachers will assist students in loading into their vehicle. Once students are secure, cars should proceed out of the parking lot area very cautiously down the driveway to the 11th Street entrance/exit.
Morning Arrival/After-School Dismissal Procedures - Bus Riders
Buses will arrive at Washington Primary School at various times each morning with the first buses arriving as early as 7:30 and the remaining buses arriving at various intervals throughout the remainder of the morning before 8:05. Each bus will arrive using the West Side entrance off of East National Hwy and will then leave campus using the East Side entrance back onto East National Hwy, Abel Lane, or 11st Street depending on the stage of construction on East National Highway. Upon exiting their assigned bus, each student will proceed into the school through the Main Entrance doors and then disperse to their assigned classroom. All bus riders, no matter what time they arrive at school will be given the opportunity to partake in the free school breakfast program. This is scheduled to be a “grab-n-go” format where students will walk by a central location, “grab” a breakfast, and then “go” to their classroom to eat.
At dismissal time—approximately 2:45 depending on their assigned bus route—students will proceed to their assigned “staging area” within the school building to await loading of their bus. Once loading begins, teachers will assist students to their appropriate bus. Buses will exit campus using the East Side entrance back onto East National Hwy, Abel Lane, or 11st Street depending on the stage of construction on East National Highway.